How to get pusherbeams instance ID and secret key?

Last update: 28/Nov/2024

1.Create a Pusher Beams Account

Visit the PusherBeams website and log in with your Pusher account. If you don’t have an account, sign up for one.

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2. Create a New Beams Instance

Once logged in, navigate to the Beams dashboard, click on Create New Instance, provide a name for your instance (e.g., "Web Notifications"), and select Web as the platform.

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3. Retrieve Your Instance ID and Secret Key

After creating the instance, go to the Credentials section in your Beams dashboard. Here, you will find: Instance ID, a unique identifier for your Beams instance, and Secret Key, the secret key used for authentication (keep it private and secure).

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4. Admin Panel Setup

In the admin panel, go to Pusher Notifications -> Pusher Configuration paste the Instance ID and Secret Key in the respective fields. Then, click Update to save your changes

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